long string — ilgoji eilutė statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Ženklų eilutė, kurios ilgis neribojamas 255 ženklais. Ankstesnėse programavimo kalbose eilučių ilgis buvo ribojamas 255 ženklais. Tokio ilgio pakako, kai tekstas buvo laužomas į eilutes.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Long string instrument — The long string instrument, invented by the American composer Ellen Fullman, is tuned in just intonation and played by walking along the length of its approximately 100 90 foot long strings and rubbing them with rosined hands and producing… … Wikipedia
string — string1 [ strıŋ ] noun *** ▸ 1 thin rope ▸ 2 group/series of things ▸ 3 on instrument ▸ 4 on tennis racket, etc. ▸ 5 something like string ▸ 6 players rated by ability ▸ 7 limiting conditions ▸ 8 G string ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount thin… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
string — I UK [strɪŋ] / US noun Word forms string : singular string plural strings *** 1) [countable/uncountable] thin rope, usually made of twisted fibres and used for tying things together a parcel tied with string a piece of string The balloon was… … English dictionary
String instrument — A string instrument (or stringed instrument) is a musical instrument that produces sound by means of vibrating strings. In the Hornbostel Sachs scheme of musical instrument classification, used in organology, they are called chordophones. The… … Wikipedia
string*/*/ — [strɪŋ] noun I 1) [C/U] thin rope that you use for tying things together a piece of string[/ex] The balloon was attached to a long string.[/ex] 2) [C] a group of things or events He owns a string of restaurants in Wales.[/ex] We had a string of… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
String Driven Thing — Origin Scotland Genres folk rock Years active 1967 present Labels Concord Records Charisma Records Backshop Records … Wikipedia
string — ► NOUN 1) material consisting of threads twisted together to form a thin length. 2) a piece of such material. 3) a length of catgut or wire on a musical instrument, producing a note by vibration. 4) (strings) the stringed instruments in an… … English terms dictionary
String squeak — is a term for the sound a guitar makes when a musician quickly slides their fingers along the string while playing. This normally takes place when the player must move a considerable distance up or down the neck of the instrument to reach a… … Wikipedia
string out (something) — 1. to be spread in a long, thin line. Most of Canada s population is strung out along its border with the United States. The early fast pace soon strung the field of runners out over more than a mile. 2. to make something continue. Zeb hoped he… … New idioms dictionary
String Theory (novels) — String Theory is a trilogy of novels set in the Star Trek universe. Book one, Cohesion , was written by Jeffrey Lang; book two, Fusion , by Kirsten Beyer; and book three, Evolution , by Heather Jarman. The story takes place between seasons four… … Wikipedia